First Sacraments

First Sacraments Preparation Requirements

What an exciting time in the life of your family! We look forward to working together with you to prepare your child to receive their sacraments. The Eucharist is “the source and summit of the Christian life.” (CCC 1324) Children preparing for these sacraments must have two years of active participation in the Parish Religious Education (Grades 1 and 2) or attend Catholic School. Families who Homeschool, may do so for grade 1 by using a Religious Education curriculum approved by a Bishop from the list on the USCCB website. However, Homeschooled students should attend Parish Religious Education classes in person for Grade 2. First Reconciliation and First Communion are both celebrated in the 2nd Grade. 


Children older than second grade, who who need to be prepared to receive First Sacraments, will be enrolled in a special class to prepare them. This class is offered on during the Wednesday evening session. Parents should contact the Parish Office at 256-722-7929 x108 or email Lmason "at" for further information on this special class.


It is expected that all students and their families attend Mass as well as the Parish Religious Education Program each week. Attendance at Sunday Mass is a requirement for those who are seeking First Sacraments.

Consistent attendance for religious education class is also expected.

Parents are required to carefully read all information emailed from the Religious Education Office regarding First Reconciliation and First Communion preparation.

A parent and their student are required to participate in the Parent/Child Workshops scheduled before the reception of each sacrament.

A copy of your child’s Baptismal certificate is due in the parish office no later than October 30th.


Attendance Policy for those enrolled in Parish Religious Education


In the First Reconciliation, First Communion sacramental preparation year only one excused absence per semester is allowed. 


Class Days and Times 


Sunday -10:00 - 11:15 AM 
Wednesday- 5:30 - 6:45 PM

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