• Want to learn more about the Catholic Faith?
  • Are you interested in becoming Catholic?
  • Were you Baptized as a Catholic but never Confirmed?


Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (formerly known as RCIA) 


To learn more about the Catholic Faith, or become Catholic, you can register for OCIA classes by contacting Jennifer Colsch at jcolsch@stjohnbchurch.org


If you have not been baptized:

· Attend OCIA classes

· Mass attendance is required

· There will be required reading and homework 


If you have been baptized in a different Christian Denomination, or have been baptized Catholic but have not received all of the Sacraments of Initiation (Eucharist and/or Confirmation):

· Attend OCIA classes

· Mass attendance is required

· There will be required reading and homework

· You will need to provide a baptismal certificate or other proof of baptism

Online Resources

Volunteers are needed to be Sponsors . 

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