
  • Boy Scout Troop 350

    Mark Faust, mfaust350"at"​

    The program is youth lead with guidance provided by trained adult leaders. A wide range of activities dealing with service, citizenship, health, finances, first aid, and outdoor skills prepare the boys for life beyond scouting. The Boy Scouts is open to boys in 11-18 years old and requires no previous scouting experience or qualifications.

    Meets year round: Mondays at 7:00 pm in the School Cafeteria.

  • Cub Scout Pack 350

    Cub Scout Pack 350

    Susie French, 256-520-1067

    Provides a positive safe atmosphere where Scouts will grow and develop. Objectives are citizenship training, character development, out-outdoors skills, and personal fitness through activities that are fun and exciting. Open to boys in K – 5th Grade.

  • Girl Scouts of North Central Alabama

    stacey.harring"at", 703-853-8818

    Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character who make the world a better place. Troops meet weekly for activities of fun and service. Girl Scouting has levels for girls in Kindergarten through 12th Grade. Individual Girl Scout Troops meet on various days at various times, Parish Campus.

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